Unisa: How to add or register additional modules?

Are you are already registered to study at University of South Africa (Unisa) and would like to add or register additional modules?
The University of South Africa (UNISA) offers Open and Distance Learning (ODL), to accommodate any student and allows students to create their own schedule.
In terms of its academic offering, Unisa offers a combination of career-orientated courses usually associated with a university of technology, combined with general formative academic programmes typically linked to a traditional university.
How to add modules
If you would like to add modules to your course, then follow these steps:
- Log in to myUnisa.
- Choose the myAdmin link.
- Click on Student Admin.
- Click on Register Addititional Modules
Unisa is an open distance e-learning university which reaches into places where other institutions do not, making a difference to everyone.